Balls system

The Balls System | Red Zone Rivals Fantasy Scoring Redefined

Points Table

Action Points
Touchdown Scored (Rushing or Receiving) +6 points
Passing Yards +1 point per 25 yards
Rushing/Receiving Yards +1 point per 10 yards
Receptions (PPR leagues) +1 point
Turnovers (Interception/Fumble Lost) -2 points
2. Team Performance Impact
Team Outcome Points
Team Win (60+ minutes played) +3 points
Team Draw +1 point
Team Loss 0 points
3. Captain’s Bonus
Action Effect
Select Team Captain Points doubled for the selected player
4. Special Bonuses for Outstanding Plays
Action Points
Game-Winning Touchdown +5 points
100+ Rushing/Receiving Yards +3 points
300+ Passing Yards +3 points
Player of the Game Award +5 points
5. Penalties for Mistakes
Action Points
Missed Field Goals -1 point
Sacks Allowed (Quarterback) -1 point per sack